
Your beauty questions answered

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Question: Hello Lucy, I am a young lady of 24 with a lot of dark spots; a remainder of the pimples that I once had. I am a keen follower of your column please help me!

Answer: Several factors can cause darker areas on your skin. Use of harsh skin lighteners, for example, can actually darken your skin. Hormonal changes during pregnancy or menopause can also play a role in discolouring your skin and the deficit of certain vitamins and minerals such as calcium, vitamin A, E and B, and too much exposure to the sun is another common culprit.

Wash your face at least twice a day with a mild soap such as Palmers’ Cocoa butter, Forever Living Aloe Vera, Avocado soap, Dove, Oxy or Clearasil Max products. Next, use a skin toner of any brand appropriate for your skin type to open the pores and remove dirt left over during the cleansing process. Toner is used by applying on a clean cotton wool or soft cloth and rubbing on your face and neck gently. Moisturiser is then used to help maintain the moisture content in your skin.

Clear Essence, Ultra Glow and Skin Success are some of the skin care products that contain the recommended mild hydroquinone of 1-2 percent which is the main ingredient in most skin bleaches that will help clear your dark spots. Always remember that clearing of dark spots is not instant! It may take three months to a year depending on your skin tone; try not to abuse your skin by switching products.

Use of topical vitamin A oil or Vitamin E oil to your skin spots twice a day, will slowly reduce their appearance by healing the scars. Rub pure Forever Living Aloe Vera gel on the dark spots twice a day. The healing properties of aloe vera plant will help fade the spots. Use this continuously for noticeable results. Contact Keisha Investments on +265 991658247 or 01821864 for genuine products.

Sunscreen is often overlooked even though consistent application when going outdoors is vital for any skin type. It prevents the recurrence of black spots before prolonged sun exposure. A sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 or more is recommended. The sun can make your dark spots look even darker and promote the appearance of new spots.

Taking care of your skin is a lifetime commitment. This whole process requires patience, but you will end up with a beautiful and flawless skin!

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